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Settle Procedure

How We Settle at Wise Owls

At Wise Owls we understand that every child is individual and may take a different amount of time to settle in. We have taken the time to think about how we can make the settling process as stress free as possible for all involved; your child, yourself and the staff.  With this in mind, after we have established which sessions you would like, we will allocate a key worker for your child. We will then book a home visit with a Director and your child's key worker. This is an opportunity for your child to develop a bond with their key worker in their home environment.  Following a home visit we will organise an ‘out of hours’ settle with your child and their key worker. This initial settle will take place between 4.15-4.30 and we ask that only one parent/carer attends.

After this, we will arrange for ‘in session’ settles, however we are unable to allow parents into the building for these. The number of settles that we allocate depends on the age of your child and availability. We are very flexible and will discuss with you how your child is fairing.  If we all feel that they need more time, then we will organise this with you on an individual basis. These will be billable from the agreed start date. For more details on our Settle and Transition Policy please click here.